main image

The LRS editor is a custom ArcObjects extension for ESRI's ArcMap software - version 9.3. This software was developed as a base LRS Editor. This code was later ported to work in ArcGIS 10.0 environment. The point of this tool is to assist the road/network editor and help them automate as many processes as possible. Roadway networks can be extremely complex and require many different tables to be updated per every action - making the workflow very meticulous. The benefit of this tool is that it can allow the user to use the standard ArcMap editor tools, which they are already familiar with, and it will intercept certain actions and automatically update the associated data and relationships behind the scenes.

Technologies Used

The tools was developed using .NET ArcObjects (version 9.3.1):

  • .NET
  • C#
  • ArcObjects
  • ArcMap Extension
  • GIS


Ramp Creation:


Edit Log:


View Relationships Action:


Data Source Configuration:


Session Edits Tree Log:
